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Sphere on Spiral Stairs


Ongoing research projects

Image by Chris Slupski


This project aims to elucidate the neural mechanisms of misophonia, a condition characterized by significant emotional distress in response to certain sounds. In particular, we gauge how responses to triggers generalize across different modalities.

Complexity and Decoy Effect

This project seeks to understand how the number and arrangement of consumer items affect decision-making in complex environments. 

Image by Yaopey Yong
Image by Nong V

Affective Narrative

This project aims to identify the neural representation of hedonic valence in naturalistic narrative listening from fMRI data.

Emotion Perception

This project examines how people perceive the authenticity of audiovisual emotional expressions.

Image by Hello I'm Nik

Misinformation in Context

This project aims to understand the psychological mechanisms affecting people’s evaluations of misinformation and their willingness to share it on social media.

Physiology of Emotions

This project examines physiological responses to aversive and non-aversive auditory, imagined auditory, visual, and audiovisual stimuli.


The multidisciplinary nature of our lab has been the major strength of our research since we began our work. Keep reading to find out what we are currently investigating.

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